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三校生高复班 中小学生课程辅导




  How about

       Use this to suggest an activity or possibility. It’s used to suggest different possibilities of doing different things.
  Grammar:How about + “-ing verb”
  How about + 动词-ing (例子1)
  How about + pronoun (he, we, etc.) + present verbHow about + 代词 (he, we, 等等) + 动词原形 (例子2)
  Example:Peter: I’ve got the day off from work tomorrow. What should we do?
  Peter: 我明天有假期。我们应该做什么?
  Lois: How about spending the day with Meg?
  Lois: 和Meg一起度过明天怎么样?
  Peter: Nah. I don’t really like Meg.
  Peter: 不行,我不喜欢Meg。
  Lois: How about we clean the house together?
  Lois: 我们一起打扫房子怎么样?
  Peter: No way. I want to do something fun!
  Peter: 不要。我想要做些有趣的事情!
  Lois: OK. How about going to an amusement park?
  Lois: 好的。去游乐园怎么样?
  Peter: Sweet!
  Peter: 很棒!

  What about

       Use this to show that you don’t agree with something or of a possible problem with a plan or idea.
  Grammar:What about + noun.
  What about +名词Example:Chris: I don’t want to live here anymore, Meg. Let’s run away.
  Chris: 我再也不想住在这里了。Meg,我们逃走吧。
  Meg: But what about our parents? They won’t let us leave the house.
  Meg: 但是我们的父母呢?他们不会让我们离开的。
  Chris: Don’t worry, I planned a way to escape.
  Chris: 别担心,我计划了一个逃跑的方法。
  Meg: What about the punishment we’ll get if we get caught?
  Meg: 如果我们被抓住,我们将会得到的惩罚呢?
  Chris: I’m too smart to get caught. Trust me.
  Chris: 我很聪明,不会被抓住的。相信我。
  How about VS. What about Sometimes they can mean the same thing. Usually when asking the same question back to another person.
  Brian: Hey Stewie, I haven’t seen you for a while. How have you been?
  Brian: 你好,Stewie,我有段时间没见你了,你过得怎么样?
  Stewie: Meh, a bit busy studying advanced physics. How about you?
  Stewie: 有点忙着在研究物理。你呢?
  Brian: OK I guess. Have you watched that new movie about the silent monsters yet?
  Stewie: It was awesome!! So much blood! What about you?
  Stewie: 它非常棒!特别好!你觉得呢?

      以上就是对How about和What about差别和用法上的总结,希望学员们能够耐心的看完这篇文章,相信对你的英语会有很大的帮助。

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